Video by AIPAC Forum Speaker Promotes "New World Order - Illuminati" Conspiracy Theory
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Mar 12, 2007 at 03:39:49 PM EST
"Christians United For Israel" founder Pastor John Hagee spoke, to a standing ovation, at the ongoing American Israel Public Affairs Committee forum in Washington D.C. last night. When not cultivating ties with AIPAC and the American Jewish community, pastor Hagee gives sermons ( such as featured in the YouTube video above ) and somehow also finds time to author many books such as his lastest, "Jerusalem Countdown", in which he blames the Holocaust on Jews. Pastor Hagee is the subject of an ongoing series here at Talk To Action (see inside).
TTA contributor Chip Berlet, Senior Analyst for Political Research Associates, provides some background on the recent history of "New World Order" conspiracism among John Hagee's fellow Christian Zionists such as Tim LaHaye and Pat Robertson in The Age Old Conspiracy

Previous installments in an ongoing series, by several authors, on John Hagee and Christian Zionism: